The Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board is constituted under Section 3 of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market Act, 1972. The constitution, powers and functions of the Board have been defined under the said section of the Act. The Board is a body corporate with perpetual succession. The Government of Assam shall exercise superintendence and control over the Board and its employees and in the event of its being satisfied that the Board is not functioning properly or is abusing its powers or is guilty of corruption or mismanagement, it may supersede the Board.
The Chairman of the Board is nominated by the State Government and is responsible for administration of the AAPM Act, 1972 and exercise general control over the employees of the Board and Market Committees.
The State Government shall nominate a senior officer of the Government to be the Chief Executive Officer of the Board who shall be selected by a committee to be constituted by the Government for this purpose. The Chief Executive Officer shall be the Ex-officio Member-Secretary of the Board who shall enjoy the status of a Joint Secretary to the Government of Assam. The Chief Executive Officer shall exercise supervision and control over the officers and staff employed by the Board and Market Committees in matters of administration, execution of works, maintenance of accounts and records of the Board and disposal of all questions relating to the service matters of the employees subject to the approval of the chairman of the Board.
The Market Committees are constituted under Section 8 of the Assam Agricultural Produce Market Act, 1972. The functions of a market committee is defined in section 14 and functions and duties of the market committee are elaborated in section 15 & 16 of the AAPM Act, 1972.
Every market committee shall elect in the manner prescribed, one of its members to be its chairman and another member to be its vice-chairman. The chairman and the vice-chairman shall exercise such powers and carry out such duties on behalf of the committee under this Act and the Rules made there under from time to time, as may be prescribed.
Every market committee shall have a Secretary appointed by the Board subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.
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